StageRace 2003 - Road Cycling Administration Help

Competitor Properties Dialog

The Competitor properties dialog is displayed when you insert or edit a competitor through the competitors view.


Competitor properties dialog


This dialog lets you enter all properties of a competitor, namely:

  • Start no.: the unique start number;
  • Name: the name;
  • Team: the team that you can choose from a list box where you can choose the team;
  • Country code: the three-digit country code;
  • UCI code: the UCI code, preferably in the AAA99999999 format, such as NED19770930;
  • License: a non-standardized license no., for instance from a national body's licensing system;
  • Category: the category as it applies to this specific competitor; and
  • Masks: assign this competitor to the masks that have been set-up for the event.

New Team

When, for the competitor that is being edited, the right team is not available, you can add it on the spot, through the New team button. You will get the Team properties dialog to enter the new team.

Start No.

Competitor nos. can be changed at any time, but StageRace will require you to enter a number that is not already used for any other competitor. Also, this only works for competitors that are not used in an arrival.

The only field that is really required is the start no. Other fields are informatively only.

However, a start no. can be zero, meaning this competitor is a spare competitor. You can also use the Active and Non-active radio buttons to change between active and spare competitor respectively.


Set a competitor to non-active


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