StageRace 2003 - Road Cycling Administration Help

Control Import Classification Dialog

The Control import classification dialog appears just before import data are actually processed.

It appears only when in the Import classification file dialog a file type is chosen for which it is not possible to determine unambiguously how to treat the source files.


Control import classification dialog


Main file type

Choose the file type between:

  • Omega Scan'O'Vision Data Handling; or
  • Text file import (thus all other types).

Scan'O'Vision Data Handling

The Scan'O'Vision Data Handling file type makes specific use of events, rounds and heats. Set Event, round, heat to match the choices made in the Scan'O'Vision program.

When you use Data Handling files exported by StageRace the event will match the stage no. and round will match the half stage no.

Text File Import

Text file import can be used for many different file types, and therefore needs some settings:

Column Borders

StageRace needs to know where it can find the three required columns rank, start no. and time. This can be done in two ways, depending on the type of file:

  • Fixed length (as in the illustrated example)
    The columns exist on the same horizontal positions on every line. You need to set the column positions by entering the start and end positions for all three required columns. If a column contains information of different widths, the remaining space is filled up by blanks, so that the next field starts on the correct horizontal position again.
  • Delimited by separator
    The columns (or fields) on each line in the file are separated by a unique separator token. You can select the separator token from the following: tab, comma, semi-colon, "|", "%" and "/". You also need to set the index of the separator after which the columns are expected. For instance: if the start no. in your import file appears after the fourth separator, you set the Start no. column position to 4.

Note that from the character strings that you import only the numerals are used. Other characters are simply ignored. This way, for instance, it is allowed for values to be enclosed by quotation marks. But also all other non-numerals are ignored.

When you use Delimited by separator for a file in which text fields exist that are enclosed by quotes, any occurances of the separator token within such fields will be ignored.

Various Settings

  • Header size
    The number of lines that is entered here, will be ignored at the top of the source file, as a header. (See the illustration.) This header is previewed in the Header field. The remaining part of the source file — which will actually be processed — is visible in the Data preview field.
  • Decimals
    The accuracy (in number of decimals) in which the rider's time is provided in the file. Note that this depends on the column borders that are set (described before).
  • Recalculate rankings
    If not checked, the rankings will be taken from the source file. If checked, the rankings will be recalculated, looking at the rankings and times from the source file. With this function, gaps in the rankings from the source file can be removed automatically.
  • Times' notation
    Choose whether times in the file are provided as a formatted string of the h/mm/ss form (as in the illustrated example) or as a multiple of seconds.


The example shows a file that can be imported. The Header size has to be set to 8, Rank column position from 0 to 3, Start no. column position from 7 to 11, Time column position form 73 to 83, Decimals to 4 and Times' notation to Divided into h/min/s. Don't forget that you first need to have chose Text file import.


Text file import






In order to quickly retrieve default presets for known file types, buttons are available in the upper right corner of the dialog. Note that, since most of these are not-unambiguous file types, you still might need to do some tweaking.

As much as appropriate, the Control import classification dialog will remember the settings you make, for future use.


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