StageRace 2003 - Road Cycling Administration Help

Cross Out Lists

Often cross out lists are experienced by members of the jury as a pleasant tool, to be used during the race. They use it to keep track of which competitors drop out and how the caravan is composed.

Cross out lists can be generated through Cross out lists in the Generate menu. The cross out lists for all stages will be generated instantly then.

All competitors that are competing in the event are stated on the cross out list. For the competitors not starting in a half stage (not finished in the previous half stage(s) or signed out for this half stage), the frame is colored black.

By default every row in the cross out list contains ten competitors. However, if Print team names in the publication settings is selected, you can also set the number of competitors per team for which then the team names are printed next to each row.

It is your task to match the number of competitors in each row to the number of competitors in each team. StageRace does not guarantee that the competitors that are printed in one row belong to the same team; this is your responsibility, either through entering competitors or through the publication settings.

Team names that are printed on cross out lists are abbreviated to prevent them from taking up too much space of the document. Through publication settings you can choose whether team names and competitor names should be printed.


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