StageRace 2003 - Road Cycling Administration Help

Export Competitors for AMB ChronX

Competitors can be exported from StageRace so they can be used in AMB ChronX.

Note that you can also import ChronX files for ranking a stage.


AMB i.t. specializes in the design, manufacturing and support of sports timing and scoring systems.

Their Cyclip system is specifically designed for the identification and timing during cycling events. For an unlimited number of competitors it is possible to give positions, best lap times, numbers, names etc. This information can be presented on a scoreboard, computer or TV screen and can be printed during and after the race or practice.

ChronX is AMB's timing software for both professional and club racing. It is designed for use with all TranX Pro systems, Tranx260, TranX160, AMB130 and Cyclip systems.

In cooperation with AMB the StageRace program has been made capable to generate files for ChronX.


As further described in the ChronX User Manual, text file import is possible, with as result that imported competitors appear in the Competitor Database.

This database is organized with a division into multiple classes, each containing a number of competitors forming a whole. Therefore StageRace output is generated in such a way that the starting list for every distinct half stage will appear in ChronX as a different class. This allowing the operator to quickly choose the right set of competitors for a race.

In order to have StageRace generating such output, the Export competitors for AMB ChronX option in the Tools menu has to be chosen with the required half stage being selected. Note that ChronX files can only be exported for one stage at a time.

The location of the files generated depends on the path set in the Options dialog.

For ChronX operation, please refer to the appropriate documentation.

Output is generated in the form of a so-called Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file of which the file name is set up as follows:

[Race Title] - Competitors list [FS]-[HS] (ChronX).txt

For instance:

Ronde van Nederland - Competitors list 3-1 (ChronX).txt

File Set-up

Every line in the file consists of:

  • Competitor's number
  • Competitor's name, nationality, team and UCI code (for operator convenience only)
  • Transponder no.
  • Class name

The transponder no. equals to the starting number of the competitor. The Transponder Translation Table should be used to make the connection between competitors and their actual transponders.

Class name has the following format:

Competitors list [FS]-[HS] ([Race Title])

For instance:

Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)


A typical file looks like this:

1,"DEKKER, Erik","",1,"1","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","NED","Rabobank","NED19700821"
2,"DEN BAKKER, Maarten","",2,"2","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","NED","Rabobank","NED19690126"
3,"VAN BON, Leon","",3,"3","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","NED","Rabobank","NED19720128"
4,"BOOGERD, Michael","",4,"4","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","NED","Rabobank","NED19720528"
5,"DE JONGH, Steven","",5,"5","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","NED","Rabobank","NED19731125"
6,"VIERHOUTEN, Aart","",6,"6","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","NED","Rabobank","NED19700319"
7,"SÖRENSEN, Rolf","",7,"7","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","DEN","Rabobank","DEN19650420"
8,"WAUTERS, Marc","",8,"8","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","BEL","Rabobank","BEL19690223"
11,"ANDREU, Frankie","",11,"11","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","USA","US Postal Service","USA19670926"
12,"HAMILTON, Tyler","",12,"12","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","USA","US Postal Service","USA19710301"
13,"DEAN, Julian","",13,"13","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","NZL","US Postal Service","NZL19750128"
14,"HINCAPIE, George","",14,"14","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","USA","US Postal Service","USA19730629"
15,"JOACHIM, Benoît","",15,"15","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","LUX","US Postal Service","LUX19760114"
16,"JONKER, Patrick","",16,"16","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","NED","US Postal Service","NED19690525"
17,"VANDEVELDE, Christian","",17,"17","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","USA","US Postal Service","USA19760522"
18,"VERMAUT, Stive","",18,"18","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","BEL","US Postal Service","BEL19751022"
21,"RODRIGUEZ, Fred","",21,"21","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","USA","Mapei - Quick Step","USA19730903"
22,"BODROGI, Laszlo","",22,"22","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","HUN","Mapei - Quick Step","HUN19761211"
23,"VAN HEESWIJK, Max","",23,"23","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","NED","Mapei - Quick Step","NED19730203"
24,"HOSTE, Leif","",24,"24","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","BEL","Mapei - Quick Step","BEL19770717"
25,"LEYSEN, Bart","",25,"25","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","BEL","Mapei - Quick Step","BEL19690210"
26,"TANI, David","",26,"26","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","ITA","Mapei - Quick Step","ITA19691008"
27,"PEETERS, Wilfried","",27,"27","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","BEL","Mapei - Quick Step","BEL19640710"
31,"BLIJLEVENS, Jeroen","",31,"31","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","NED","Team Polti","NED19711229"
32,"CASSANI, Enrico","",32,"32","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","ITA","Team Polti","ITA19720215"
33,"CELESTINO, Mirko","",33,"33","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","ITA","Team Polti","ITA19740319"
36,"MAZZOLENI, Eddy","",36,"36","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","ITA","Team Polti","ITA19730729"
37,"SACCHI, Fabio","",37,"37","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","ITA","Team Polti","ITA19740522"
38,"VOSKAMP, Bart","",38,"38","Competitors list 3-1 (Ronde van Nederland)","NED","Team Polti","NED19680606"


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