StageRace 2003 - Road Cycling Administration Help

Export Competitors for Alge OPTIc

Competitors can be exported from StageRace so they can be used in Alge OPTIc.

Note that you can also import OPTIc files for ranking a stage.


Alge Timing, with a worldwide network of distributors is a specialist for sports timing with over 30 years of experience in timing consultancy, development and production.

Alge OPTIc is a computerized color photo finish system with integrated processing software. The Color Line Scan Camera scans every movement on the finish line in true color and high resolution.

In cooperation with Alge the StageRace program has been made capable to generate files for OPTIc.


As further described in the OPTIc help files, text file import is possible (Import competitor list...), after which imported competitors immediately can be used in the race being judged.

In order to have StageRace generating such output files, the Export competitors for Alge OPTIc option in the Tools menu has to be chosen with the required half stage being selected. Note that OPTIc files can only be exported for one stage at a time.

The location of the files generated depends on the path set in the Options dialog.

For OPTIc operation, please refer to the appropriate documentation.

Output is generated in the form of a so-called tab separated file of which the file name is set up as follows:

[Race Title] - Competitors list [FS]-[HS] (OPTIc).txt

For instance:

Ronde van Nederland - Competitors list 3-1 (OPTIc).txt

File Set-up

Every line in the file consists of:

  • Competitor's number
  • Competitor's name and team code (for operator convenience only)

The team code will appear in the OPTIc program as the nationality field.


A typical file looks like this:

   1               DEKKER, Erik            RAB
        2               DEN BAKKER, Maarten             RAB
        3               VAN BON, Leon           RAB
        4               BOOGERD, Michael                RAB
        5               DE JONGH, Steven                RAB
        6               VIERHOUTEN, Aart                RAB
        7               SÖRENSEN, Rolf          RAB
        8               WAUTERS, Marc           RAB
        11              ANDREU, Frankie         USP
        12              HAMILTON, Tyler         USP
        13              DEAN, Julian            USP
        14              HINCAPIE, George                USP
        15              JOACHIM, Benoît         USP
        16              JONKER, Patrick         USP
        17              VANDEVELDE, Christian           USP
        18              VERMAUT, Stive          USP
        21              RODRIGUEZ, Fred         MAP
        22              BODROGI, Laszlo         MAP
        23              VAN HEESWIJK, Max               MAP
        24              HOSTE, Leif             MAP
        25              LEYSEN, Bart            MAP
        26              TANI, David             MAP
        27              PEETERS, Wilfried               MAP
        31              BLIJLEVENS, Jeroen              POL
        32              CASSANI, Enrico         POL
        33              CELESTINO, Mirko                POL
        36              MAZZOLENI, Eddy         POL
        37              SACCHI, Fabio           POL
        38              VOSKAMP, Bart           POL


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