StageRace 2003 - Road Cycling Administration Help

Publications Footer Information

Footers of publications consist of the following elements.

Where not mentioned differently, the publication settings apply for adjusting the described elements.

Detailed Time Cuts

The competitors that finished after the finish deadline can be listed automatically at the end of a half stage classification's body. This is done extensively, including all the columns that are selected for that document.

Detailed Drop Outs

The competitors that did not finish can be listed automatically at the end of a half stage classification's body. This is done extensively, including all the columns that are selected for that document.

Sign Outs

Competitors that have been signed out are printed detailedly on each half stage classification, including the reason for the sign out as entered (2.2.091).


The following statistics can be printed for half stage classifications (2.2.091):

  • Number of competitors that did not start for the race and were signed out;
  • Number of competitors that did start for the race; and
  • Number of competitors that remains after this half stage.

Also on half stage classifications, the total number of dropped out competitors can be printed (in contrary of the detailed drop outs listing as discussed above).

Also on half stage classifications, the total number of competitors after the finish deadline can be printed (in contrary of the detailed time cuts listing as discussed above).


You can add a signature, for instance stating the name of the president of the jury. Also the time can be printed on which the document was generated last (the time stamp).


StageRace's name and web address are listed under Classification Software. This behavior can not be switched off. However, you are free to use an HTML editor to change the generated form to how you want it to be.

Additionally, you can enter a name and additional line of info for the Classification Service.


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