StageRace 2003 - Road Cycling Administration Help

How this Help is Set-up

The most important topics that teach you to work with StageRace can be found in the following areas:

  • Working with StageRace
    About the basic principals of working with StageRace
  • Publications
    About the various publications that you can make
  • Work Space
    About all the parts of the user interface
  • Techniques
    About various techniques that enhance the functionality and the experience of working with StageRace
  • Rules
    About the available rules for calculating classifications and the algorithms that are used to apply these rule

These areas can be found as entries, among others, in the table of contents of the Help system.

Throughout the Help system it is assumed that you are strongly familiar with the administration of a road cycling stage race.

Note that user interface issues can typically be found under Work Space. However, for configuration issues and Techniques exceptions apply and the user interface is described in-place.

  1. I want to know how things are organized in StageRace. Where do I find this kind of information? The area 'Working with StageRace' will surely cover your query.
  2. I already know what I want to do. But where can I read exactly how to do it? The area 'Work Space' covers how to use all the views, dialogs, menus, key combinations, etcetera.




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