Time Trial Starting Order Dialog
This tab sheet consists of two lists: available and
classified competitors. The list of available competitors
consists of all competitors who were not signed out neither dropped out at the start
of the particular stage. That is also why this starting order can
only be drawn up after the previous stage has finished.
If this is a half stage higher than 1 within a certain stage,
and the previous half stage has not yet been ridden (i.e. no
competitors exist in the previous half stage's arrival dialog) the
arrived competitors from the previous full stage are shown here as
available and can be used to set up an order. The competitors
however, will not show up for ranking in this half stage until
finished in the previous half stage (that was empty while setting
up the starting order).
When competitors are already classified in the time trial to
which a starting list applies, these competitors are marked in the
list with an asterisk in the Ranked column. Depending on half stage settings, their starting time
can or cannot be altered anymore. If these "late changes" are
allowed, you can even alter the starting time, after the competitor
has finished for the time trial.
Competitors can move from the available list to the
classified list by entering their start no., starting
order and starting time. When Submit is clicked, the data is submitted and
the competitor moves.
You can also select one or multiple competitors in the
classified list, change their starting times and click
Submit again to apply the entered
starting time to the entire selection.
When you select one or multiple competitors in the
classified list, and you click Declass., the competitors are moved back to
the available list.
- As soon as a rider is classified, automatically the starting
order field will be incremented. So when you are entering
successively ordered competitors, you only need to enter the start
nos. and possibly time (after the first competitor has been
- When a rider is clicked in either one of the two lists, its
data will be copied into the edit boxes in order to edit it
- A large number of competitors can be entered easily by one hand
only, using the numeric keypad of the keyboard;
- Pressing the Enter key has the same result as clicking the
Submit button; and
- Multiple riders from the classified list can be
selected (while holding down either the Shift or the Ctrl key). All
selected riders can be declassed simultaneously. Also all selected
riders can be given a new starting time at the same moment.
Through the Functions menu:
- and
Fill this dialog on basis of a previous half stage's
classification. Depending on which half stage this time trial
starting order dialog is actually for, you can choose the last half
stage before this half stage or the last half stage from the
previous full stage. The lowest ranked competitor is always placed
further down, so that the worst ranked competitor starts first in
the time trial. In the Automatic from
earlier stage dialog that appears:
- Choose the classification that must be
used from the chosen half stage:
- Use general
individual classification: for normal time trials (2.6.022); or
- Use general
teams classification: particularly useful when you use the
time trial as a team time
trial (2.6.023).
- Choose Avoid
consecutive team members when you generate the starting
order from an individual classification, in order to use a more
advanced sorting method, to prevent two or more competitors from
the same team to start consecutively in the time trial.
- Choose Leave
places for dropped teams when you generate the starting
order from a teams classification and want room left open at the
beginning of the starting list for those competitors that are not
in the used teams classification anymore. This happens when teams
have a too little amount of competitors left over in that teams
After automatically generating a time trial starting order with the
Avoid consecutive team members
option set, a warning is issued in case of the result not matching
this particular criteria. This can happen if these consecutive
members are at a particular end of the order list; it is by design,
because it's not covered by any regulations, and it is up to the
race organiser to decide upon.
Calculate the times for the selected competitors. The starting time
for the first or last selected competitor can be entered, and other
starting times are calculated from there, in selected Ascending or Descending order. Depending on Multiply interval by start order offset:
- For each next selected competitor the
starting time is increased by the Interval that is entered; or
- For each next competitor the starting time
is calculated based on its starting order minus that of the first
selected competitor, multiplied by the Interval that is entered.
Ensure that all competitors in the classified list have
consecutive starting orders, starting from one, using the current
starting order.
Select all competitors at once in the classified