StageRace 2003 - Road Cycling Administration Help

Tool Bars

The most important functions from the menus are available in tool bars.

Each tool bar consists of a number of related buttons that each represent one menu item.

Getting Help

When you hover your mouse over a button, a small tool tip will show, with the button's function's name in it.

Whenever a button is being clicked, the button's function will be displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the program work space.

Available Tool Bars

The following tool bars are available:

  1. Standard tool bar
    Standard tool bar
  2. Configuration tool bar
    Configuration tool bar
  3. Event tree tool bar
    Event tree tool bar
  4. Generate tool bar
    Generate tool bar
  1. Competitors view tool bar
    Competitors view tool bar
  2. Teams view tool bar
    Teams view tool bar
  3. Publication view tool bar
    Publication view tool bar

Switching Tool Bars

Tool bars 1-4 can be switched on and off from the View menu.

Tool bars 5-7 are switched on and off automatically, depending on which work view is currently displayed.


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