Why was this project moved from GitHub, so soon after its inception? And why was it moved back to GitHub again later?

1st Move

On Dec. 11 GitHub announced that it would remove its "upload files" functionality. It would then no longer be possible to offer the final binaries of this project at the same place as the sources and the docs. Google Code has a full offering: source, wiki, downloads. GitHub is an excellent outlet for the things that they offer, but their offering as a whole is incomplete in terms of being a home for projects such as what is needed here.

Some historical statistics at the time of moving — 280 total:

  • pkg_mp3browser-0.2.3.zip, 160KB, 216 downloads
  • pkg_mp3browser-0.2.3.tar.gz, 159KB, 3 downloads
  • pkg_mp3browser-0.2.3.tar.bz2, 158KB, 4 downloads
  • pkg_mp3browser-0.2.2.zip, 156KB, 28 downloads
  • pkg_mp3browser-0.2.2.tar.gz, 156KB, 3 downloads
  • pkg_mp3browser-0.2.2.tar.bz2, 154KB, 3 downloads
  • pkg_mp3browser-0.2.1.zip, 151KB, 17 downloads
  • pkg_mp3browser-0.2.1.tar.gz, 150KB, 4 downloads
  • pkg_mp3browser-0.2.1.tar.bz2, 149KB, 2 downloads


In 2014 Google Code made the same unfortunate decision as GitHub, and discontinued its downloads functionality. The downloads were subsequently moved to here.

Some more historical statistics at the time of moving — 4997 total:

  • pkg_mp3browser-0.2.7.zip, 161KB, 3124 downloads
  • pkg_mp3browser-0.2.7.tar.bz2, 159KB, 124 downloads
  • pkg_mp3browser-0.2.7.tar.gz, 161KB, 81 downloads
  • pkg_mp3browser-0.2.6.zip, 161KB, 1464 downloads
  • pkg_mp3browser-0.2.6.tar.gz, 161KB, 108 downloads
  • pkg_mp3browser-0.2.6.tar.bz2, 159KB, 96 downloads

All total so far: 5277 total

2nd Move

In March 2015 Google announced that it would discontinue Google Code. The project was subsequently moved ("back") to GitHub here, and the documentation was moved to here.