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Last Updated: 17 June 2014
Created: 17 June 2014
I attended a presentation of the Portland JUG tonight that sparked some great conversation around RESTful web services, specifically the JSON kind. It became apparent that there is still many people that hadn't heard of this great tool to automatically document your REST API, named Swagger.
Swagger is presented by Reverb Technologies and, although not supported by one of the usual standards bodies, Swagger aims to be a standard way of describing a REST API, and it is quickly becoming much of a de-facto standard in its field.
The most typical way of using Swagger is where it nestles itself within your REST server as just another resource/endpoint which describes your API in a standard JSON format.
There is a lot relevant Swagger implementations, depending on the REST implementation that you're using, such as for JAX-RS (Jersey, Resteasy, ...), Spring MVC and Spring Web. (These are typically independent open source projects.) There are also implementations that can export static versions.
Each of these implementations (as said above) spits out the same standard JSON format which can be consumed by any REST client. But there is also a Swagger UI which supports the Swagger JSON format and offers a great way to have people explore your API, make test calls to it (even parameterized).
For the Java domain there are standardized annotations (example available) to decorate your resources to further document your API, such as exception information and humanyly-readible descriptions.
It is hugely beneficial that Swagger gets its information from the source code/source of truth. It improves the reliability of the documentation and allows for quick prototyping. Client-side developers (QA) can easily explore, exercise and thus learn (test) your API.
The only gotcha that I've come across is that Swagger might have a performance penalty on startup of your application, as it goes and introspect your API. This drawback might decrease as Swagger implementations further mature.